Give Me Two Days And I'll Show You...

how top-tier banks are leveraging lower interest rates to lend more to your small business – FASTER AND EASIER THAN YOU EVER THOUGHT POSSIBLE!

Discover new FICO-driven bank lending strategies to maximize small business funding approvals. Learn how to implement our proven process that helps a whopping 93% get approved on their first try for

top-tier bank credit lines, loans, and financing.

2-Day Live Virtual Summit:

Join Us December 5th - 6th

Secure Your Spot Today -


Live Virtual Summit:

Join Us December 5th - 6th

Secure Your Spot Today - ONLY 50 SEATS AVAILABLE!

The Virtual "Business Funding Summit"

December 5th - 6th

Learn the FICO® validated system developed by Merrill Chandler –  Best-Selling Author of "The New F* Word," High-Performance Fundability Coach, Co-Founder of Lexington Credit Repair Law Firm, and the “Mad Scientist” behind the Approval-Readiness Formula™

And finally get approved for top-tier bank loans and funding so you can secure your future!

Thursday, December 5th & Friday, December 6th, 2024



  • Day 1 Sessions: Insider Secrets to Leveraging Your Personal Borrower Profile

  • Live Q&A

  • Access to Video Replay for 10 days after the Summit


  • Day 2 Sessions: Insider Secrets to Guaranteed Business Funding Approvals

  • Live Q&A

  • Access to Video Replay for 10 days after the Summit

WHAT WOULD IT MEAN FOR YOU TO ACCESS THE BEST FINANCING AND FUNDING - The kind real estate investors "shouldn't" be able to get?

You know…those rare and versatile Prime+1%, Unsecured, Stated-Income, Top-Tier Bank Business Credit Lines and Loans?

Here’s an example of what our Summit attendees have achieved – are you next? 

Secure Your Ticket Today:


Who Is This Summit For?

  • Are you looking to close more dealsFASTEREASIER…and CHEAPER?

  • Do you want the simplicity of writing a business credit line check to do a deal?

  • Do you want to stop waiting on appraisals, paperwork, asset assessments, or deal approvals?

  • Are you ready to grow your real estate portfolio the way you have always wanted?

  • Are you looking to build generational wealth?

  • Do you KNOW you can do more in your business if you could only access better financing and funding?

  • Do you want to be in charge of your destiny?

  • Are ready to save thousands on your current investments, just by accessing lowest-cost money and bigger bank credit lines?

If you answered YES to any of these questions….

Then this Summit is for you!

Who Is This Summit For?

  • Are you looking to close more deals…FASTER…EASIER…and for LESS COST?

  • Do you want to be able to write a check to do a deal?

  • Do you want to stop waiting on appraisals, paperwork, asset assessments, or deal approvals?

  • Are you ready to grow your real estate portfolio the way you have always wanted?

  • Are you looking to build generational wealth?

  • Do you KNOW you can do more in your business if you could only access better funding?

  • Do you want to be in charge of your destiny?

  • Are ready to save thousands on your current investments, just by accessing lower-cost money and bigger bank credit lines?

If you answered YES to any of these questions….

Then this Summit is for you!

Learn How to Leverage Your Business Borrower Profile and Get Predicable Access to MORE, EASIER, and FASTER funding approvals. Every time. 

This Summit will teach you how our FICO® validated process will optimize your business borrower profile. You’ll walk away with the industry insider secrets to getting approved for top-tier, low-interest money every time you need it.

Most real estate investors don't think they can access these kind of bank business credit lines and loans... but with our method, it's not only possible - it's FAST and EASY!

For less than the cost of treating your family to a dinner out, you’ll discover…


How to get the cheapest money available to do your deals.

As a real estate investor, you’re not doomed to relying on hard or private money. By leveraging your business borrower profile the right way, you can access inexpensive bank money NOT usually available to real estate investors.


Why 99% of real investors can’t get lowest-cost money.

Avoid the hidden lender traps and access the bank credit lines and loans that will make growing your real estate portfolio easier and less expensive within 100 days.


The #1 secret to saying goodbye to expensive hard money.

Get Approval-Ready™ for top-tier funding using our tested and proven 7-step process.


Turn decades into days by avoiding the 3 biggest real estate mistakes that kill your financing and funding approvals.

We have made all the mistakes so that you don’t have to! Say goodbye to financing and funding confusion, worry, and stress.


The top 3 elements you need for a fundable business. 

Pay attention – these 3 elements can make the difference between “DENIED” and DONE DEAL!

Discover the Key To

Business Credit, Financing & Funding Approvals And Start Accessing Better, Faster, and Easier Money For Your Investment Dreams


A Personal Note from Summit Host:

Merrill Chandler

Best-Selling Author of “The New F* Word”,

Peak-Performance Fundability Coach,

Co-Founder of Lexington Law Firm


A Personal Note from Summit Host:

Merrill Chandler

Best-Selling Author of “The New F* Word”, Peak-Performance Fundability Coach, Co-Founder of Lexington Law Firm

Hi there!

What's holding you back from taking your real estate business to the next level and being in control over your time and destiny?

If you’re like most people, maybe it's the idea that you don't have enough money saved, or the cost is too high, or you don't know if your credit will get you the approval you need for the lowest interest rates...

Maybe you think it's NOT possible to qualify for the kind of funds you need to build the real estate business that would really change the quality of you and your family's life.

If so, you’re in the right place – my Business Funding Summit will teach you the PROVEN yet little-known industry secrets to unlock top-tier credit lines and bank loans. This is the #1 KEY to building the kind of real estate investments and generational wealth to set you and your family up for the long term.

It's the kind of knowledge that changes lives!

But first, let’s talk:

What would it mean for you to be able to finally grow that kind of wealth for yourself?

  • Would you be able to fire your boss and retire your partner?

  • Finally help your spouse or partner quit their job?

  • Secure the future for your family, so that your children never have to worry about money?

  • Spend your days doing what you’re passionate about and making a positive impact?

In today’s day and age, it’s easier than ever to secure your future without needing to work endless hours, or racking up a lot of high-interest debt - It's called LEVERAGE.

Leveraging real estate investments is the oldest and most stable way of growing your wealth - especially generational wealth. .

However, many people enter real estate with enthusiasm…

Only to discover they have built themselves another 9 to 5 (or rather, 24/7). 

Let me ask you a few questions:

  • Are you done working on someone else’s schedule

  • Are you frustrated by the blocks to increasing your real estate investments and take-down those real estate deals that would help you wave goodbye to your boss – blocks like needing lots of cash or a stellar credit score?

  • Did you see real estate as the light at the end of the tunnel, but feel disheartened as the tunnel keeps getting longer?

  • Are you looking for a reliable solution to help you seal the kinds of deals that can transform your life?

If you answered “Yes” to any of the questions above, then I want to invite you to attend my upcoming 2-day Business Funding Summit on December 5th - 6th that will unlock top-tier bank credit lines and loans usually withheld from real estate investors.  

Those seemingly far-fetched dreams are much closer than you think!

I have spent nearly 30 years studying the TRUTH behind the business credit, financing and funding system - and I discovered how it ACTUALLY works. My methods have helped my clients and community lock in over $300 Million Dollars in lowest-cost financing and funding in just the last few years!

And yes, I regularly help those with less-than-perfect credit and on the verge of giving up their real estate aspirations to optimize their capacity for business credit approvals as well!

I share this because you’ve probably done your due diligence and studied the conventional ways of financing or funding your real estate investments. Maybe you’ve felt that knot in your stomach as you tried to navigate the financing jungle...

And just when you thought you did everything right...

You're hit with a denial from your bank for the inexpensive money that would put more profits in your pocket...

And you're forced down that dark alley to knock on the door of a hard or private money lender only to pay wicket high-cost points and interest rates.

Maybe you’ve been told that the kind of bank business credit lines - with ample funds and low interest - are simply out of your reach.


This is because the REAL process for getting approved doesn't rely on "good" credit scores.

That's right - your credit score is only ONE of the 5 factors that lenders look at... and it doesn't even come into play until AFTER the lender software has approved you.

And if you don't pay attention to the other factors... that's an easy way to walk right into a funding landmine over and over again.

Maybe you’ve heard that:

#1 -- You need to be born wealthy to have a chance to make it in real estate.​

#2 -- There’s no point in applying for low-interest business loans or credit lines – you’ll automatically be rejected if you mention “real estate.” ​​

#3 – Hard or private money (and all the fees that come with it) are the only way to start funding the big real estate deals you want.


When you optimize your business borrower profile and behaviors, you can secure the credit lines and loans that you need to grow your real estate portfolio – quickly and easily! 

And while we don’t promise you’ll be able to drive a Porsche tomorrow… 

…most of my clients and community get their $100,000 credit line applications approved on their first try!

And that’s just the first of many! It's addictive!

Since my process doesn't hurt your personal credit profile (because these credit lines and loans DON'T report to your personal credit) you can use what you'll learn in the Summit to secure your next loan… and your next… and your next… 

In fact, you’re probably much closer to these business credit line approvals than you think right now. 

I know this first-hand.

Over 25 hears ago, I confounded Lexington Credit Repair Law Firm - what is now the largest credit repair organization in the country. While I was there, I helped thousands of clients remove negative listings from their credit reports, but I discovered that removing those derogatory items DIDN'T make them "approval-ready." I wanted more for them than just getting some deletions. I wanted them to be "fundable" so they could get the lowest-cost credit, financing and funding approvals for high-value cars, homes and businesses.

I wanted to be able to transform any credit profile into a fundable one – regardless of the starting score or initial fundability.

I founded Get Fundable! to fulfill my mission to illuminate the path to Approval-Readiness for borrowers nationwide.

As my vision grew, it became apparent that I would need to create software to scale the process and be able to help as many people as possible. And for that, I needed Funding.

The problem was… I had never met anyone who got bank business credit by using “business credit building” techniques.

Without this business loan, I would have to keep doing everything manually and only be able to help a handful of clients at a time. To add insult to injury, I was supposed to be the nation's leading expert on personal credit optimization, and I was afraid I couldn't even get a business loan. 

I felt like a failure and I was totally embarrassed.

This Borrower Approval-Readiness software was SO important to my success that I had to try to get this loan. So I built up the courage and applied to a few fintech companies… only to get denied by each.

And fintech loans were supposed to be easier to get than bank loans. Man, was I wrong! It was a massive failure, and I was so discouraged.

I got so desperate that I applied for the loan at my bank where I had done business for over 20 years. You know that feeling? 

  • Sitting in the bank lobby…

  • Not knowing how to fill out the application…

  • Not knowing what it would take to get approved…

  • Feeling anxious…

  • Short of breath…sweaty palms…

I knew my life would be completely different if my bank would just believe in me enough to lend me this money. I KNEW I could pay it back. It felt like EVERYTHING depended on getting approved for this loan…

While I was waiting int he lobby, the loan officer walked towards me from the back of the branch, smiling. My heart skipped a beat in anticipation – then he said those horrible words… 

“I’m sorry…”

My shoulders dropped. Everything I wanted for my business, clients, and borrowers had crumbled.

And one thought kept stabbing the back of my mind…

“Merrill… if YOU can’t get approved for a bank loan, how can you help anyone else?”

Then, as if by chance, something amazing happened...

I met David Smith at a FICO World - FICO's annual lender Conference.

David is FICO's Small Business Lead and the premier expert of FICO's Small Business Scoring Service (SBSS). He was one of the FICO experts that Will Lancing (FICO's CEO) referred me to so I could help more borrowers become fundable.

David Smith, FICO® Small Business Lead and SBSS Expert

In our discussions, David helped me understand the actual (and surprisingly simple) process that banks use to evaluate you as a borrow - so they can determine whether they would lend to you. I was amazed, because if done right, you could apply for the best top-tier bank credit lines available WITHOUT needing financials, collateral or tax returns… 

After learning about these factors, I TOTALLY UNDERSTOOD why I was denied.

And it was then crystal clear to me how to develop a system that would “optimize” PERSONAL and BUSINESS BORROW PROFILES to meet BANK business credit, financing and funding approval guidelines - so that business lenders would say YES!

To ME!

And to YOU!

I ran ALL OF IT by David who provided instructive feedback and referred me to the other FICO® team members to validate my process.

Then, I tried it on myself first, and I started testing this new business funding process on my own profiles.

I went back to fintech. To my amazement, this time, I was approved for a $50K unsecured loan using only a stated income application. 

I went back to my bank, and this time, I was approved for a $50K unsecured business credit line and $25K business credit card from the SAME application.

Will Lancing,


I kept going, and soon, I had locked in over $300,000 in top-tier bank business credit lines.


I wanted to know that my approvals were not just a special case, so I shared my business funding process and results with my inner circle and invited them to implement this process. Without exception, everyone was approved for either bank business credit cards, loans, or lines of credit...

And some of their approvals were even higher than mine!

Since then, I've helped my clients and community secure over $300 Million in lowest-cost business credit, financing and funding...

And they've turned those approvals into real estate profits, business acquisitions, and leverage opportunities that have all changed lives.

And now, I want to help you do the same!

Register below for the Get Fundable! Business Funding Summit, where I’ll share this framework to help you Get Fundable! and Get Approved! for top-tier bank business credit lines and loans for yourself.

Your Summit Event Passes Includes:

DAY ONE: Insider Secrets to Leveraging Your Personal Borrower Profile

($1997 Value)


  • Navigate the Business Credit Universe: How to identify business credit bait and switch “imposters” that RUIN your personal credit AND future business approvals.

  • Leverage the Business Verification Databases: How to avoid landmines during the approval process and instead increase your business credit line and loan approvals.

  • Optimize Your Business Borrower Profile: How this reputation management is VITAL to your funding approvals.

  • Establish Your Business Identity: How separating YOU from WHAT YOU DO will make you wildly fundable — especially if you are in a “restricted” or “blacklisted” industry.

  • Perfect Funding Applications: How to leverage “internal performance data” metrics and trigger credit line approvals within 90 days.

  • Master Your SMARTco Velocity Funding System: How this is THE fastest, easiest, and most inexpensive way to Get Approved! for Prime+1%, unsecured, stated-income, top-tier bank business credit lines and loans — EVER!


  • Identify Common Funding Myths: Including misleading techniques to "build your credit," shortcuts that harm your approval-readiness, why filing for bankruptcy isn't the reset button you think it is, and the risks that “credit card stacking” has to your future financing opportunities.

  • Map Your Personal Borrower Profile Leverage: How to determine if your profile is ready for the funding process, and how to use debt-shifting strategies to increase your funding approvals.

  • Adopt Attractive "Borrower Behaviors": How all 150 FICO® Borrower Behaviors are utilized, are more important than your credit score, and will make your lender give you more money.

  • Evaluate your Installment Loan Portfolio: How to understand the relationship between you, FICO®, lenders, and the credit bureaus, how it determines how fundable you are, and how to level-up your investing game!

  • Utilize New Lender Technology: How the newest wave of tech can guarantee huge approvals and make your life borrowing simple and easy.


Day 2: Insider Secrets to Guaranteed Business Funding Approvals

($1997 Value)


  • Navigate the Business Credit Universe: How to identify business credit bait and switch “imposters” that RUIN your personal credit AND future business approvals.

  • Leverage the Business Verification Databases: How to avoid landmines during the approval process and instead increase your business credit line and loan approvals.

  • Optimize Your Business Borrower Profile: How this reputation management is VITAL to your funding approvals.

  • Establish Your Business Identity: How separating YOU from WHAT YOU DO will make you wildly fundable — especially if you are in a “restricted” or “blacklisted” industry.

  • Perfect Funding Applications: How to leverage “internal performance data” metrics and trigger credit line approvals within 90 days.

  • Master Your SMARTco Velocity Funding System: How this is THE fastest, easiest, and most inexpensive way to Get Approved! for Prime+1%, unsecured, stated-income, top-tier bank business credit lines and loans — EVER!


  • Identify Common Funding Myths: Including misleading techniques to "build your credit," shortcuts that harm your approval-readiness, why filing for bankruptcy isn't the reset button you think it is, and the risks that “credit card stacking” has to your future financing opportunities.

  • Map Your Personal Borrower Profile Leverage: How to determine if your profile is ready for the funding process, and how to use debt-shifting strategies to increase your funding approvals.

  • Adopt Attractive "Borrower Behaviors": How all 150 FICO® Borrower Behaviors are utilized, are more important than your credit score, and will make your lender give you more money.

  • Evaluate your Installment Loan Portfolio: How to understand the relationship between you, FICO®, lenders, and the credit bureaus, how it determines how fundable you are, and how to level-up your investing game.

  • Utilize New Lender Technology: How the newest wave of tech can guarantee huge approvals and make your life borrowing simple and easy.


Total Value: $3,994

Take the Shortcut to Top-Tier Bank Business Credit Lines That Doesn't Hurt Your Personal Credit Profile

I invested over a year of blood, sweat, and tears researching all the books, videos, and teachings promoted by so-called "experts" in the fields of credit repair, personal credit, business credit, credit card stacking, bankruptcy, among others.

What I found was disturbing.

I discovered over 500 myths, misrepresentations, and industry withholds that, like landmines, blow up almost every real estate investor’s opportunities to get the business credit, financing, and funding they need.

What’s amazing is I can now show any real estate investor exactly what’s standing in their way of getting approved for BANK business credit cards, loans, and lines of credit – in as little as 100 days. 

Why make business credit, financing, and funding harder than it needs to be?

Why reinvent the wheel when someone else has found a bulletproof way that works – every time?

Here’s what Summit attendees — just like you — have accomplished using the exact same framework you’ll learn in the Summit:

Learn How to Secure Top-Tier Bank Financing and Funding for Every Deal in my Business Funding Summit

With my 30+ years helping people Get Fundable! and helping them access over $300M in financing and funding, I could easily charge 5-figures for this event.

I’m not holding back anything – I’ll share the secrets usually reserved for my private clients who pay $10,000+ to work with me. 

But don’t worry...I’m not selling you the Get Fundable! Business Funding Summit for $10,000.

Even though it's worth every penny.

Not even for $5,000, $2,500, or $1,000.

Since my mission is to help as many real estate investors as possible — remember...that’s what motivated me to create the Approval-Readiness Formula™ to begin with — I’m offering you a ticket to this Summit for just $97.

This Summit is known for turning decades-into-days. You’ll learn the advanced fundability strategies most bankers don’t even know!

I’ve been in this business for 30+ years. I co-founded Lexington Law, and then went on to launch Get Fundable! My success enabled me to become a bestselling author and an in-demand mentor to people like you who are serious about building their real-estate empire.

I’ve witnessed over a thousand of my clients go from despair to delight as they’re finally able to do more deals and put more profits in their pocket.

I believe the world would be better if money didn’t stop us from realizing our dreams. Nothing feels more amazing to me than seeing my clients getting the funding they want for their real estate business, and enjoying the time and financial freedom that awaits when they are highly profitable because they are highly fundable.

That’s why I decided not to offer this game-changing Business Funding Summit for $1000. I want it to be a no-brainer for anyone wanting to participate.

So I decided to cut that price by over 90% and offer this immersive, transformative experience for just $97.

That’s about the cost of taking your family out for dinner.

If you’re done standing on the sidelines watching others succeed, and you’re serious about creating your dream life within the next year… 

Join us now. I can’t wait to see you inside! 

© 2024 Get Fundable! Incorporated All Rights Reserved.